19661 96 Ave., Langley, BC V1M 3C9
Paint Brushes
If you have ever painted a wall and had unsightly roller marks left afterward, you are not alone. Learn the easy tricks and tips that professional painters use to obtain a flawless technique. A perfectly-painted room can be attainable with the right tools and know-how. Get the results you crave and simplify cleanup along the way.
Painting is a fun way to update any space or object. It is one of the least expensive investments that packs the biggest visual impact. Grab some old clothes to paint in and make a plan with the following DIY painting tips.
Many people have previously used a paint roller. However, did you use it correctly and were you satisfied with your results? Perhaps, you started rolling and created a technique as you covered the wall. Maybe, you read the instructions referencing painting in a “W” pattern as you rolled it on. There are multitudes of painting techniques to consider and various approaches you could take. Learning how to spread an even, smooth coat of latex paint on the wall can lead to many exciting projects.
Common issues that affect new painters include built-up paint ridges, roller marks, light areas of paint and paint tape removal problems. Learning the correct techniques will help you secure a positive end result. Another mistake is cheaping-out on low-quality painting supplies.
Poor equipment will derail all of your best techniques and damage your finished product. You will see a lot of gimmicky painting products in the store. We recommend purchasing a pro set up that you can rely on for years for less than twenty bucks. Choose a decent roller frame. Add a 48-inch wooden handle for $3 to extend your reach and provide additional control. Some people use a threaded broom handle instead. Next, a paint container is essential. Skip the paint trays used by homeowners and take the contractor’s approach. Choose a 5-gallon bucket with the additional bucket screen that hangs over the edge for professional results.
Why we prefer a bucket and screen setup over the traditional roller pan:
The bucket holds way more paint. Avoid frequent refills and potential spills. The bucket is simple to relocate without spilling, making it easier to cover a large space. It is simple to put the lid back on the bucket, or drape a damp towel across the bucket whenever you need to stop for a break to prevent the paint from drying out. A large bucket of paint is harder to step in or trip over compared to the flimsy paint tray. Lastly, it is faster and simpler to load the paint roller with bucket paint vs. tray paint. You can purchase a clean bucket or reuse an old drywall compound mixing bucket. Include a bucket screen and you are ready to paint!
Wool-blend cover rollers or sleeves
Once you treat yourself to a good cover roller, you won’t be tempted by the cheap, disposable ones ever again. The roller cover or sleeve is the most essential component of your painting kit. A decent roller cover offers quick and simple cleanup. Cheaper roller covers do not hold much paint. You spend a ton of time reloading the paint roller and it takes forever to complete the job. Additionally, these factors contribute to lap marks, ridges of built-up overlapping paint and an inconsistent layer. It can on average, take up to 4x longer to paint a room when you use crappy sleeves.
To be happy with your results, purchase a ½-inch nap wool blend roller cover instead. For around $6, you can secure a poly/wool cover that combines polyester and wool. This blend secures the greatest paint capacity. This could potentially be the last roller cover you purchase with the proper cleanup and storage.
Some wool cover issues to note include that they often shed fibers upon initial use. Wrap the roller cover with masking tape and remove it to take any loose fibers with you. Do this or try a lint roller a few times. Remember, rolling is to be completed lightly. Applying too much pressure when you are painting can mat down the fibers. Regardless of which roller cover you choose, let the paint complete the work. Only use enough pressure to gently release and evenly spread the paint. It can be tempting to squeeze or push the roller harder down as your paint supply diminishes; however, this will only leave paint marks and create texture issues including ridges.
Using the proper brush to cut in your corners and along your roof is essential. Having a solid technique and working in a pattern while the paint is wet can help you obtain a clean, smooth and accurate finish. Clean up right after finishing your work to make your product last. Having a decent paint kit on hand is vital for any DIY project.
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